Model Railroad Collecting

Model railroad
Train board layout

Every since the first trains appeared in the early 20th Century people have been collecting, and preserving model railroad memorabilia. So model railroad collecting has been around since the 1840’s. Fast forward to the future, more accurately today, and you find model railroad collectors like me still carrying on the model railroad collecting in these more modern times, complete with all the modern inventions and advancements that have been made one hundred and seventy five years later.

It’s easy for the new hobbyist, or would be model railroad collector, to feel a little overwhelmed after all the advancements in the hobby, toys train sets for children, collectors sets, and the expense associated with collecting model railroad bits, pieces, and in some cases entire train sets. A bad selection for a newbie model-railroad-collector can cost you; so here are a few model railroad collecting suggestions that might be helpful to the model train collecting new comer.
If possible in your area become a part of the model railroad community; you will find many different websites online that would be helpful in locating a model railroading club in your area. You can even checkout my Pinterest page: Model Railroading. Most train clubs for model railroading groups are made up of younger and older member who are usually very good at sharing insider information on identifying and caring for vintage train engines, rolling stock, and other model railroad related collectibles and keepsakes.

Think about a starter kit, something that will help you introduce yourself to the world of model railroad collecting and allow you to decide on the model railroad grade (usually related to track size) you want to explore collecting: HO scale (87.1:1 ratio), G-scale (22.5:1 ratio), the most popular O-scale (48:1 ratio) from makers like American Flyer, Lionel, Bachmann, or Tyco. While it is not possible to mix different scales, meaning an HO scale train cannot run on 0 scale Lionel train track, all of these collectibles model train scales can be part of your, depending on the space you have available for your track layout and or your display area. My board track layout has 0 scale tracks on the bottom with HO scale track on top so in a way you actually can mix the two scales, I guess if they’re run as separate systems. Just in case you’re keeping score yes! That does equals two model railroading hobbies for me.

Model train track
Ho and O scale track

One of the great things about belonging to a model train club is the opportunity to buy the model railroad excesses from other member, at least that was true in my case, and sell or trade your own extras in an effort to grow your model railroad collection over time. If you see model railroading as only a means for selling to collectors, and not necessarily collecting them yourself then all of the above can be your audience/customers too, whether or not you join the model railroading hobby or not. Knowing what to pick (model railroad wise) can still be of value to you if all you wish to do is sell.

E-Bay is a great place to look for model railroad train engines, cars, and accessories and E-Bay is a place where you can buy as well as sell. I started with E-Bay because of their buyer protection, reasonable prices, and free shipping can give a friendly boost to your sales. You can also search Trains, Toys & Hobby, and Model Trains, or other search word combinations associated with the Keywords trains and model railroading while trying to track down collectible model trains and their accessories. I would even include the new Online Goodwill Stores because in my hunt for model railroad bits and pieces I often run across some nice looking deals there that include trains, track, and accessories for just about all of the different train and track sizes.

Hopefully by following some of these steps will prove helpful to your model train collecting and allow you to become just a little more knowledgeable about the art and craft of collecting model train stock and with that knowledge and wisdom grow to the point you to know exactly what to hold on to, and what you can safely, and without any loss of money get rid of and help some other model railroad club members grow their train collection. You will learn that in model railroad collecting brand names, like the already mentions, Lionel, American Flyer, Bachmann and Tyco, really do count!
To a model railroad collector there is much value in a brand name they can recognize so this information is important to the beginner model railroad collector. Be careful with none brand name model train makers that offer train sets and accessories at attractively low prices without a brand name to back them up. When it comes to model railroad collecting, and selling, to other train-club members brand name is a key selling point for the beginner.

Note for new collector’s brand name railroad cars (also referred to as rolling stock) and train engines can be devalued all the way down to one half of the mint condition price if they come without their original box and printed material. Keep in mind that with model railroad collector’s original packaging and parts can bring a lot to the deal you may be trying to make because those are the things serious model railroad collectors look for. Don’t let the beginner’s mistake of discarding any instruction sheets, cardboard liners, or what you believe are unnecessary or leftover parts, another big no-no is tossing out the original box the train engine or railroad car came in.
Learning the value of the original materials surrounding your model train piece, what is important to lookout for and hold on to because in model trains even the wrappings can add value to the model railroad collectible you want to sell, that way if you end up being one of two or more people selling the same model railroad item at the same event a serous collector looking for the most out of his model railroad collectible investment could be drawn to you the one who held on to all that came with your model train offer.

Choose your brand name starter set then be patient and sensible with regard to new model railroading choices. It pays to do a little online research, whenever possible, especially for a new addition to your collection whether you plan on joining this more than one hundred year old hobby, or just want to take advantage of model railroad pieces you come across in your collector’s web searches, garage sale, or online collectible resources. Over time as you grow your experience and become a little more confident than today. You will see that the collector’s market for model railroad trains, train sets, and accessories can be profitable and a relaxing fun way to relax.

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